

CARTER+DAVIDSON Consulting seeks to empower small businesses and the grassroots nonprofit community by delivering strategic fundraising and marketing consultation services.

Our Promise

Our guiding principle is to always do what we can to serve and empower those around us.  CARTER+DAVIDSON Consulting promises to enable clients to reach their goals by providing the strategy to grow resources and build capacity.

Image of Jamie Carter Davidson, a Black woman, smiling with hands on hips
“It may be, in fact, utterly impossible to be successful without helping others to become successful.”
- Maya Angelou
Image of Jamie Carter Davidson, a Black woman, sitting in a chair smiling and holding glasses

jamie carter davidson

Founder & Chief Strategist

Jamie Carter Davidson is the Founder and Chief Strategist of CARTER+DAVIDSON Consulting, LLC. She is an innovative and strategic fundraising professional with over 25 years of experience leading multi-channel fundraising programs at national nonprofits in the Washington, DC area. As the Public Relations lead for one of the largest Black churches in the Washington area, Jamie provides consultation for developing dynamic, industry-standard marketing and communications strategies.

In the Fall of 2021, she made the audacious move to resign from one of the top nonprofit organizations in the world and pursue her dream of a consulting agency targeting the needs of the grassroots nonprofit community. Traditionally, these groups have found fundraising and marketing agency counsel out-of-reach. Founded in 2022, CARTER+DAVIDSON Consulting is thrilled to be able to offer these consultation services to the community.